Who is Love Story?

My photo
Please feel free to email me @ ericalovestoryphoto@yahoo.com for pricing and any other questions....thanks for visiting my blog!


Remember Aden?

These are some of my most faithful clients. Aden's mommy came to me for her pregnancy pictures, then for a newborn session, and she wanted some more before he turns 1 next month. I couldn't believe how much he had grown, and one of my favorite things about this "job" is having relationships that continue year after year...

Kidney Stone???...or baby #4!!!

This was a neat shoot for me, because it was one I never thought would happen. She has three other kids, and thought her family was complete. She went to the hospital for a kidney stone, and Surprise! She was pregnant!! This has been the longest 8 months ever waiting for her to have baby Zeke, since we all found out when she was only 2 weeks pregnant. She is such a beautiful person inside and out, and I am so happy to be a part of this journey with her. Be on the lookout for baby pictures...coming soon!!!

I fell in love....again!

Have you ever seen anything more beautiful than this lil guy??? nope!, probably not! He was perfect from head to toe. He had that sweet newborn breath , and the grunts and little grins. I tried to convince his mommy that she needed me to take him home,but she didn't fall for it! So, I enjoyed the time I had, and can't wait to love on him again!


Meet Ocean...

This lil miracle was born 7 weeks early on Dec. 21st weighing in at only 3lbs. 130z. I felt like I couldn't be fragile enough with her. I had never seen such little feet and fingers. She was the perfect start to my New Year!