Who is Love Story?

My photo
Please feel free to email me @ ericalovestoryphoto@yahoo.com for pricing and any other questions....thanks for visiting my blog!


Best Friends

First, I have to say that the day we did this session, was one of the coldest days we have had all year. I had on layers and a coat, and couldn't feel my face or fingers, and they somehow managed to make it through the whole shoot with their cute matching outfits. They have been friends since they were just little girls, and I'm sure this will be one of those memories that they talk about one day. "Remember when we were determined to have Christmas pictures made together, and we nearly froze to death!"


Happy Birthday Kristi!

One of favorite things about this photography journey is meeting people like Kristi. Someone told her about her about me, and she set up a session for her family back in the summer, and we have been friends ever since. You won't find a bigger heart than hers. I am so happy I got to attend and capture the moments of your 'Un-Surprise' party, and next time maybe your hubby can pull it off , and it will be a Surprise Party! ;0)

Meet Inez....

Inez Patton has been a makeup artist in Nashville for 3 years. She is working on her portfolio, and needed to show off her talent on her website! She is truly amazing. This first picture is Inez herself, and the other gorgeous ladies were our models that really worked it....even out in the cold by the pool.


And they will live Happily ever After

What better way to celebrate your Birthday (mine), then by capturing such beautiful moments between two people so madly in love! She was such a beautiful bride, and I was impressed with her ability to be so calm, and not stressed about all the little details. They were truly there to celebrate the first day to the rest of their lives. I wish you guys all the happiness in the world, and appreciate you for trusting me to be a part of such an amazing day for you both!


Winter Wonderland

This was my last family shoot for this year, so it was bittersweet!....and COLD! But I heard no complaints! We decided to make use of the gorgeous snow and just have fun. Thank you guys for such an enjoyable end to 2010!


Cold??....try Freezing!!

These guys are troopers!! You wouldn't know it from the pictures, but we were all freezing!! Even with the cold, the sleet and rain, we managed to have a really good time, and get some great pictures for Christmas cards!!

Christmas Party

A local dermatology office asked me to photograph their Christmas Party and I was impressed with how they go all out for the employees and their families. Lots of food, beautiful decorations, and a Santa that had gifts for each child! Everyone was having such a great time! Including myself :)


Mr. Pageant is turning 2!

So many things to say about this cutie!! First, he just turned two, and he can speak two languages....smart!! And his looks....well, they just speak for themselves! He is in pageants, so this shoot was for him turning two, as well as some pictures for his portfolio. He loved the camera as much as the camera loved him. One more thing...aren't his eyes dreamy?!