Who is Love Story?

My photo
Please feel free to email me @ ericalovestoryphoto@yahoo.com for pricing and any other questions....thanks for visiting my blog!


Play Date at the Park....

When this pretty lil princess showed up for our play date, she was not too sure about the crazy lady following her around with a camera, but I guess i after a little while, she decided I was ok, and was reaching for me to hold her :) Made my day! Sessions like this one are my favorite. I love seeing kids being able to be themselves and just have a good time!!

Lots of Laughs....

One word to describe this family,.... FUN! You will be able to tell by some of these pictures, they kept me laughing the entire time...When we first started, the two lil ones didn't seem like they were in in the mood for family pictures, but within five minutes, they were posing and coming up with all kinds of ideas!....which makes my job easier!


Like Sisters....

These two girls were a BLAST!! They have been best friends for 5 years, which I think makes them extremely blessed! Some people search their entire lives looking for someone they can call "sister". Such sweet girls and such a pleasure to work with!

Mama and her boys....

As I was almost to where I was meeting this family , I could see a massive downpour, and I just knew were going to have to cancel, but luckily the rain stopped and we were able to pull it off! One of my favorite things about my job is getting to meet all this new people...!!! I love it!


chocolate and skittles....

The gorgeous mommy in these pictures was one of my best friends in high school. She moved away, so when she asked me to do their family pictures while they would be here on vacation, I was so excited! We had been doing a countdown for a couple of weeks now! She has such gorgeous family with very well mannered lil boys, that were bribed with chocolate and skittles all afternoon to get great smiles! :0)


Alter Ego Session....

Here's is just a little taste of what me and my partner, Tonya McKee, have been working on. No, you are not looking at twins! This is the same model! What a fun way to express what your "alter ego" is! Business woman, punk rock chick, house wife....what is yours?


Such a Big Heart....

Have you ever walked away from someone and thought "wow, they have such a big heart"? Well, thats exactly how I felt after this shoot. It was everything about her from all the really cool decorations in her house that have the most amazing quotes, to the way she looks at her animals the same way I look at my children. We even did some photos in remembrance of a dog she had pass named "J.J". That touched my heart...

Who's the photographer here???

With the permission of our clients, my daughter was my "assistant" today with her new camera she received for her Birthday. She was such a natural, so look out Johnson City! New photographer coming through. We had a lot of fun walking around downtown, and by the end of the shoot, our model has decided she wanted to be a photographer too!!!