Who is Love Story?

My photo
Please feel free to email me @ ericalovestoryphoto@yahoo.com for pricing and any other questions....thanks for visiting my blog!


Mommy and her Girl.....

This shoot was so close to my heart. I met the mom when we were three and in dance class, and we grew up together. We have so many memories, and our daughters share middle names and are now best friends! Who wouldve thought as we were riding our bikes all over Elizabethton many years ago, that I would one day photograph such sweet memories of her with her baby girl...


city girl gone country.....

So, I might be a little biased since she is our niece, but I thinks she is a doll!! And such a trooper! We were sweating like crazy walking through grass that was higher than her hips, but she hung in there so I could get the photos I wanted!


Mister J.....

How sweet is he???...He kept talkin to me in his "jibber jabber" voice and when I would say his name to get his attention, he would say CHEESE!!!!

Family Time....

The only word that comes to mind, when I think of this shoot is FUN!!! They all looked so nice, but were ready to get in the water and splash around! Great Family Memories!!!

Hanging out Downtown....

Such a gorgeous family! i would not believe she was "old" enough to be a mother, let alone have a child that is just as tall as her! We had a lot of fun walking around downtown......


Uncle and Niece.... really?!

I know these two look like brother and sister, and from what I hear, they act like it, but they are actually uncle and niece. They were both natural models! So cooperative and willing to do whatever I ask.... Made for a great shoot!!!!


Come rain or shine.....

what a sweet babygirl.....so happy and content, and the white dress is passed down from many generations ago...very sweet that her grandmothers grandmother wore that exact dress

I was so excited about this shoot because these kids are simply precious. 30 minutes before we started, it was storming.... Luckily, it stopped and I got to chase this lil guy around!!




When I showed these pictures to my girls, they said "mom, she's a Princess!"....and I have to agree!! Such a beautiful girl inside and out!

Ben is 6 months....

I started babysitting Ben back in Feb, and now it feels like he is part of our family. ....

we love this lil guy, and im not a fan of him growing so quickly....

Thank Heaven for "chunky" babies!

I could not get enough of these baby rolls....it truly made my day! and he LOVED the camera!

Bridal Shower

Love Story is now branching out and doing parties!! This was such a FUN bridal shower....everyone there had such a good time, and I definitely didn't feel like I was working...

...I had a blast!